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February 5, 2018

New Carolina Fintech Hub Blog Series

February 2018
Series Intro:

As part of Carolina Fintech Hub’s commitment to showcasing entrepreneurial and fintech talent in the region, we will be introducing two parallel blog series in addition to one-off posts about fintech events, happenings and ideas in the Carolinas.  The first blog series will be focused on outlining the paths of various individuals:  “The People of Fintech.”  The second series will focus on profiling the various fintech firms that start-up in, or otherwise find their ways to, the Carolinas:  appropriately named, “The Fintech Firms of the Carolinas.”  The initial plan is that posts for each will alternate every Friday – with roughly 2 posts on individuals and 2 posts on companies a month.  The editorial goal of these is to build a repository of content that demonstrates the breadth of fintech in and around the Carolinas – documenting the differences and similarities across the many players in the fintech community.

About “The People of Fintech”:

In Charlotte’s focus on fintech, coders and entrepreneurs automatically get mindshare; bankers, too – it is Charlotte.  But if you are planning a career, or a career move, how do you get into fintech?  What type of person gets into fintech?  What should you study in school to prepare for a role in fintech?  How do you find a role in fintech?

The beauty of fintech is that it is inherently diverse—in the nascent intersection of financial services and technology, almost anything goes:  You can be a start-up entrepreneur or you can work for a Fortune 50 company.  You can be a coder or you can be a linguist.  You can be old or young; male or female… the paths to fintech are as diverse as the human imagination.

This blog series, published every other Friday, will seek to explore the varied paths that individuals have taken, sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally, to get them to a place in life, a role, or a company that is considered ‘fintech’ in the Carolinas.

About “The Fintech Firms of the Carolinas”:

The Carolinas are known for many things from BBQ to banks to beaches.  But what is that special je ne sais quoi about the area that attracts entrepreneurs focused on evolving the technology of financial services known as fintech?

Until recently, the movement of start-ups, entrepreneurs and would-be founders to the Carolinas was relatively silent, and unless you knew someone, invisible.  But no more!  With the advent of the Carolina Fintech Hub, the region aims to spotlight the companies that are formed here or that come here – broadcasting their purpose, documenting their experiences and sharing the factors of the region that compelled the founders to start, or grow, their companies here in the Carolinas.

This blog series, published every other Friday – alternating with “The People of Fintech”—will seek to highlight the companies—of all sizes—that are tackling a wide variety of challenging financial services problems and understand why they chose the Carolinas as a place to grow and prosper.

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Posted by Mark Woollen