Great companies need great people. Carolina Fintech Hub is dedicated to recruiting and building the talent that will become tomorrow's leaders.
Combat the percieved lack of technology talent in the region
Provide upward mobility opportunities for underserved communities
Increase the number of minorities and women pursuing careers in technology

Career Technology Apprentice Cohorts (CTAC)
Our partners see the CTAC program as a bold and audacious pathway to unlock untapped talent in the community. Through this initiative, sponsor companies will receive and onboard qualified talent while also making an impact on the community they serve, a true win-win scenario.

Youth Technology Apprenticeship Camp (YTAC)
YTAC is a first-of-its-kind workforce training program for youth that intertwines e-Sports competition and game development with a custom development curriculum that exposes High School students to career pathways in technology. Said another way, this program meets students in areas that naturally interest them, and uses e-Sports and friendly competition as a gateway to STEM, and how technology and coding can offer an exciting career and life.

The primary objective of the hackathon is to present the Carolina’s top university talent with a set of challenges and allow students to showcase their skills and creativity in a ‘job interview-like’ format.
Creates mutually beneficial relationships with these universities
Presents students with opportunities that exist in the region post-graduation
Influences curriculum through exposure to Fintech